- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration
- The Bad Catholic’s Guide to the Seven Deadly Sins: A Vital Look at Virtue and Vice, With Quizzes and Activities for Saintly Self-Improvement
- The Race to Save Our Century: How Modern Man Embraced Subhumanism and the Great Campaign to Build a Culture of Life
- The Bad Catholic's Guide to the Catechism: A Faithful, Fun-Loving Look at Catholic Dogmas, Doctrines, and Schmoctrines
- Lawrence J. Gesy
- Mary Eleanore
- Camille Cambell
- Victoria Hebert
- Denise Matychowiak
- Mary Teresa Donze
- Michael Fonseca
- C.T. Thomas
- Jacques Gauthier
- Richard Foulkes
- Karol A. Jackowski
- Alfred McBride, O.Praem.
- Charles J. Keating
- Clarence J. Enzler
- F. Maucourant
- Roy Gasnick
- George R. Szews
- Joann Green
- Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda
- Frederick L. Miller