- BISHOP SARAPION'S PRAYER-BOOK: An Egyptian Sacramentary dated probably about AD 350-356, with introduction, notes, and indices
- Nouum Testamentum Latine
- Portions of the Gospels According to St. Mark and St. Matthew from the Bobbio Ms. (K): Now Numbered G. Viii. 15 in the National Library at Turin; ... Gall, Coire, Milan, and Be
- Nouum Testamentum Domini Nostri Iesu Christi Latine: Secundum Editionem Sancti Hieronymi Ad Codicum Manuscriptorum Fidem Recensuit Iohannes Wordsworth ..., Volume 1; Volume 3
- The Holy Communion: Four Visitation Addresses, 1891 (1891)