Najiba: A Love Story from Afghanistan
Inside Afghanistan: An American Aide Worker's Mission of Mercy to a War-Torn People
$6.09 - $6.39
A Flame on the Front Line
$6.09 - $17.73
A Legacy in Brick and Stone
The Failure of Evangelical Mental Health Care: Treatments That Harm Women, LGBT Persons and the Mentally Ill
A Flame on the Front Line: Journey from America to Afghanistan
The history of the mimes and pantomimes, with an historical account of several performers in dancing, ... To which will be added, a list of the modern ... on the English stage, ... By John Weaver, ...
$17.75 - $29.95
Emmaus: Journeying toward and onward from Emmaus
$17.66 - $27.17
Grooming: Clipping, Bathing, Mane Care, Tail Care, Show Preparation (Western Horseman Books)
Inside Afghanistan: A Mission of Mercy to a War-Torn People Before 9/11 and Beyond
An Essay Towards an History of Dancing, in Which the Whole art and its Various Excellencies are in Some Measure Explain'd.
$22.75 - $31.95
A Collection of Ball-Dances Perform'D at Court: Viz. the Richmond, the Roundeau, the Rigadoon, the Favourite, the Spanheim, and the Britannia
Love of Sudoku: Difficulty: Easy
Evangelicals and the Arts in Fiction: Portrayals of Tension in Non-Evangelical Works Since 1895
Anatomical and mechanical lectures upon dancing. Wherein rules and institutions for that art are laid down and demonstrated. As they were read at the academy in Chancery Lane. By John Weaver, ...
$22.75 - $31.95
Franz Daniel Pastorius and Transatlantic Culture: German Beginnings, Pennsylvania Conclusions
$29.90 - $35.56
A Collection of Ball-Dances Perform'D at Court: Viz. the Richmond, the Roundeau, the Rigadoon, the Favourite, the Spanheim, and the Britannia
Love of Sudoku: Difficulty: Medium
Love of Sudoku: Difficulty: Very Easy
The fable of Orpheus and Eurydice, with a dramatick entertainment in dancing therupon; ... As perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Written, collected and composed, by John Weaver, ...
$15.75 - $26.95
Love of Sudoku: Difficulty: Hard
Love of Sudoku: Difficulty: Normal
The Loves of Mars and Venus; a Dramatick Entertainment of Dancing, Attempted in Imitation of the Pantomimes of the Ancient Greeks and Romans; as Perform'd at the Theatre in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Weaver
$15.75 - $26.95
Cumbria to Northumberland
The Prevention of Depression: The Missing Piece in Wellness
$14.19 - $15.26
Individual Travel Protective Measures (ITPM): And Other Helpful Hints for International Work & Excursions
$15.99 - $29.18
Orchesography or the Art of Dancing
A small treatise of time and cadence in dancing, reduc'd to an easy and exact method. Shewing how steps, and their movements, agree with the notes, ... each measure By John Weaver, Dancing-Master.
Middleham Castle: North Yorkshire: Colour Handbook
The New Apostolic Reformation: History of a Modern Charismatic Movement