The Relapse, or, Virtue in Danger
$4.79 - $31.95
Provoked Wife (Regents Restoration Drama S)
$7.29 - $37.01
Four Comedies (Classics S.)
The Relapse and Other Plays (Oxford World's Classics)
The mistake. A comedy. Written by Sir John Vanbrugh.
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Sir John Vanbrugh V1
$37.95 - $42.88
The Provoked Wife: A Comedy
Æsop. A comedy. With the addition of a second part. Written by Mr. Vanbrug [sic].
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Le Mari Pousse A Bout Ou Le Voiage A Londres: Comedie En Cinq Actes (1761)
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The Provoked Husband Or A Journey To London, A Comedy: The New English Theatre V7
$34.95 - $37.95
Der Landjunker (1773)
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Sir John Vanbrugh V2
$36.95 - $49.55
Comedies: Volpone; Country Lasses; Mistake; Gamesters; The Lady's Last Stake (1778)
$34.95 - $50.19
The confederacy. A comedy. As it is acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. ... By the author of The relapse, ...
Lovers' quarrels; or, Like master, like man. A farce, in one act, altered from The mistake. Taken by permission from the Philadelphia prompt book
Plays: The Life Of Sir J. Vanbrugh The Relapse
$46.11 - $62.10
Provoked Husband (Regents Restoration Drama Series)
$14.96 - $30.95
Plays: The Confederacy. The Mistake. The Country House. A Journey To London. The Provok'd Husband
$24.09 - $34.95
Plays, Vol. 1 of 2: Containing, the Relapse, or Virtue in Danger; The Provok'd Wife, with a New Scene; Aesop, in Two Parts; The False Friend (Classic Reprint)
Sir John Vanbrugh, Volume 2
$25.95 - $40.41
Sir John Vanbrugh; Volume 1
$26.95 - $42.11
Sir John Vanbrugh; Edited by W.C. Ward; Volume 1
$40.41 - $42.96
Sir John Vanbrugh;
$26.95 - $28.86
The Dramatic Works of Sir John Vanbrugh
The Pilgrim. A Comedy. In Five Acts
The relapse or, virtue in danger Being the sequel of The fool in fashion
Out of Stock
The Confederacy: A Comedy
$19.95 - $34.95
The Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar
The Provok'd Wife: A Comedy. As It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written by Sir John Vanbrugh