Box and Cox
$9.63 - $32.95
Love And Hunger: A Farce In One Act
Out of Stock
Plays For Home Performance
$19.97 - $35.95
My First Fit of the Gout
Aunt Charlotte's Maid: A Farce in One Act - Primary Source Edition
$13.69 - $33.95
First Come, First Served: A Comedietta, in One Act (Classic Reprint)
Woodcock's Little Game, a Comedy-farce in two Acts
$26.95 - $47.46
After a Storm, Comes a Calm A Comedietta, in One Act
Harpers Handy Series
The Irish Tiger: A Farce, in One Act
A Desperate Game A Comic Drama in One Act
Betsy Baker! or, Too Attentive by Half; A Farce, in One Act
Drawing Rooms, Second Floor, and Attics A Farce, in One Act
$8.58 - $16.76
Lend Me Five Shillings: A Farce in One Act
Pepperpot's Little Pets. a Comedietta, in One Act
A Most Unwarrantable Intrusion; a Comic Interlude in One Act
The Two Bonnycastles; A Farce in One Act.
Declined--with Thanks
Comediettas and Farces
$19.72 - $31.95
Poor Pillicoddy: A Farce in One Act
Don't Judge by Appearances: A Farce in one Act
$13.05 - $26.95
A Day's Fishing: A Farce in one Act
Grimshaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw; a Farce in One Act
My Wife's Second Floor, an Original Farce in One Act
Box and Cox; a Romance of Real Life in one Act
The Midnight Watch! an Original Drama, in One Act
The Mother and Child Are Doing Well. A Farce, in One Act
John Dobbs. A Farce, in One Act
Waiting for an Omnibus in the Lowther Arcade on a Rainy Day: A Farce, in One Act