- Compiling for the .NET Common Language Runtime
- Tracts on tithes. I. Brief and serious reasons why the people called Quakers do not pay tithes. II. Plain reasons why the people called Quakers may in conscience, and ought in duty, to pay tithes.
- A Tour in Ireland, in 1813 and 1814 ... By an Englishman [i.e. J. G.?].
- A collection of narrative pieces from ancient and modern history. With a short introduction to geography. For the use of the lower classes of English scholars in the school at Prospect Hill.
- A history of the people called Quakers. ... Compiled from authentic records, and from the writings of that people. By John Gough. ... Volume 3 of 4
- James W. Cortada
- David M. Malone
- Marty Poniatowski
- Paul G. Sorenson
- R. Gregory Taylor
- Kevin W. Jones
- Kevin Collins
- Hewlett-Packard Professional Books
- Randy M. Kaplan
- Joshua Engel
- Lisa Melinda Keen
- Paul Evitts
- William H. Burge
- Brian Foote
- W.M. McKeeman
- Balachander Krishnamurthy
- A.G. Hamilton
- Robert P. Kuehne
- Neil Harrison
- Jennifer Rexford