Psalms for All Seasons
$5.99 - $6.59
The Word into Life Cycle B
$4.49 - $17.59
Beads and the Bible: Entering the Mysteries of Prayer
$7.89 - $9.39
The Word Into Life: Year A: A Guide for Group Reflection on the Sunday Scripture
$8.39 - $12.57
Exodus (Collegeville Bible Commentary Old Testament 3)
Love and Thunder
Esther, Judith, Tobit, Jonah, Ruth (Old Testament Message)
$20.59 - $21.69
Yesterday's Word Today: A Textual Explanation and Practical Application of the Three-year Sunday-festal Lectionary
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Journey of Faith: Participant's Booklet Cycle B
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Journey of Faith: Participant's Booklet Cycle a
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And the Life of the World to Come: Reflections on the Biblical Notion of Heaven
Journey of Faith Cycle a: Leader's Book
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Journey of Faith Cycle C: Participant's Book
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I Was Ill and You Cared for Me: Biblical Reflections on Serving the Physically and Mentally Impaired
Trust, Confidence in the God of Salvation (Alive in the Word)
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Precious Gifts: Biblical Reflections on the Eucharist
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