- Louis Pasteur and Pasteurization (Graphic Library)
- Alexander Graham Bell And the Telephone (Graphic Library)
- George Eastman and the Kodak Camera (Inventions and Discovery)
- Martin Luther King Jr.: Great Civil Rights Leader (Graphic Biographies)
- The Metric System (What in the World?) (What in the World?)
- Joan S. Fessenden
- Paul F. Schatz
- Jerry R. Mohrig
- Berchie W. Gordon-Holliday
- Clifford E. Dykstra
- Judy Clark
- Linda Almgren Kime
- Terence C. Morrill
- Judith M. Barclay
- Ardis
- Charles S. Johnson Jr.
- Connie Barlow
- Mahmoud Darwish
- Nigel Bunce
- Robert Weimann
- David Tresilian
- Gamal al-Ghitani
- Lee G. Pedersen
- Terry Gordon
- Beverly K. Michael