- The Land Between book with DVD: Finding God in Difficult Transitions
- Satisfied: Discovering Contentment in a World of Consumption
- Dream Big, Think Small: Living an Extraordinary Life One Day at a Time
- The New Testament Challenge Study Journal: An Eight-Week Journey Through the Story of Jesus, His Church, and His Return
- Satisfied Study Guide with DVD: Discovering Contentment in a World of Consumption
- Diana Hagee
- Margaret Feinberg
- Max Burchers
- Lauren Chattman
- Joseph Pittman
- Doris Van Stone
- Larry Keefauver
- Sandi Patty
- Tad Crawford
- Kay Yerkovich
- Lisa Barnes
- Thomas Williams
- Neal Lozano
- Marilyn Willett Heavilin
- Ellen Banks Elwell
- Naomi Zacharias
- Dan Titus
- Eva Doman Bruck
- Robert Morgan
- Graphic Artists Guild