Truth or Poop? Spectacular Space
Truth or Poop? Gloriously Gross
The Super Nerds and the Snail Army of Doom: Episode One in the Laugh-Out-Loud Superhero Saga for 6-10 year olds
Truth or Poop? Puzzling Predators: the true or false quiz book for the whole family (Truth or Poop: true or false quiz book)
Truth or Poop? Books 1 - 5: the true or false quiz for the whole family
Truth or Poop? Incredible Insects: can you sort the fact from the fiction? (Truth or Poop: true or false quiz book)
Out of Stock
Monsters of the Sea
Statues of the Spirits
Out of Stock
Back from the Dead Red
Out of Stock
The Grotty Spoon
49 Excuses for Not Doing Your Homework
49 Excuses for Not Tidying Your Bedroom
49 Excuses for Getting the Most Out of Christmas
49 Questions to Annoy Your Parents
49 Excuses for Bagging More Candy at Halloween
49 Ways to Steal the Cookie Jar
49 Excuses for Skipping Gym Class (The Excuse Encyclopedia)
49 Excuses for Extending Your Summer Holiday
49 Excuses for Staying Up Past Your Bedtime
49 Excuses for Being Really Late
49 Excuses for Not Eating Your Vegetables
49 Excuses for Not Doing Your Chores
The Excuse Encyclopedia: Books 1 - 12 in the 49... Series
The Chef Who Cooked Up a Catastrophe: a fantastically funny (but gross) children's book for ages 7-10
The Girl Who Vanquished the Dragon: a wonderfully funny children's book for ages 7-10
The Boy Who Stole One Million Socks: a brilliantly funny children's book to inspire young eco-warriors
Truth or Poop? Incredible Insects
Truth or Poop? Dangerous Dinosaurs: can you sort the fact from the fiction? (Truth or Poop: true or false quiz book)
Truth or Poop? Amazing Animals: Amazing Animals