- Wasting Time With God : A Christian Spirituality of Friendship With God
- The Transforming Power of Prayer: Deepening Your Friendship With God
- A Vision for the Aging Church: Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors
- The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ: The Beginning (Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ (Navpress))
- The Psalms as Christian Worship: An Historical Commentary
- Jill Mellick
- Adrian van Kaam
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Gerald Kruglik
- Arthur Osborne
- Jill Marjama-Lyons
- Jackie Hunt
- Tessa Bielecki
- Donna Fellman
- H.W.F. Saggs
- Juan de Valdés
- Carla Wills-Brandon
- Elizabeth Zelvin
- Joseph Kozlowski
- Kosho Uchiyama
- James H. Cook
- Lisa Marzano
- David Lewis
- Benedict Zimmerman
- Lhasha Tizer