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The Jerry Lewis Films: An Analytical Filmography of the Innovative Comic
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Directed by William Beaudine: An Overview
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Arbuckle And Keaton: Their 14 Film Collaborations
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The Mae West Films
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From Connery to Craig: The James Bond Film Series
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The Films of Jean Harlow
Clark Gable in The 1930s : The Films That Made Him King of Hollywood
The Joe E. Brown Films
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The Films of Judy Garland
Early Charlie Chaplin
The Silent Films of Harry Langdon (1923-1928)
The Fall of Buster Keaton His Films for MGM, Educational Pictures, and Columbia
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Buster Keaton's Silent Shorts: 1920-1923
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James Cagney Films of the 1930s
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The RKO Features: A Complete Filmography of the Feature Films Released or Produced by RKO Radio
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The W.C. Fields Films
Chaplin at Essanay: A Film Artist in Transition, 1915-1916
Stan Without Ollie: The Stan Laurel Solo Films, 1917-1927