- Is There Life After Football?: Surviving the NFL
- Inside Interviewing: New Lenses, New Concerns
- The Active Interview (Qualitative Research Methods)
- Constructionist Controversies: Issues in Social Problems Theory (Social Problems and Social Issues)
- The Self We Live By: Narrative Identity in a Postmodern World
- Mary Swain
- Trent Schroyer
- Douglas Ezzy
- Jo Joyce Tackett-Anderson
- Susanna Hoe
- Amedeo Giorgi
- Jacques Dumarçay
- Evelyn Tomlin
- George B. Endacott
- Jennifer Garvey Berger
- Janet Eyler
- Kenneth P. Mortimer
- Jennie Popay
- Catherine Pope
- Mabel Hunsberger
- Peter Ashworth
- Dwight E. Giles Jr.
- Barbara Stevens Barnum
- Carol A. Oatis
- Barbara Wilks