The Hebrew Prophets: An Introduction
$7.79 - $45.68
Jeremiah 1-20
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Jeremiah: A Study in Ancient Hebrew Rhetoric
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Jeremiah Closer Up: The Prophet and the Book
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Biblical Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism
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Theology in Language, Rhetoric, and Beyond
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Jeremiah among the Prophets
$18.29 - $35.19
Writing Up Jeremiah: The Prophet and the Book
The Early Career of the Prophet Jeremiah (Mellen Biblical Press)
I Will Remember Your Wonders of Old: Sermons on the Old Testament
Jeremiah 37-52: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary By (Anchor Bible)
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Jesus' Sermon on the Mount: Mandating a Better Righteousness
On the Road to Siangyang: Covenant Mission in Mainland China 1890-1949 (Studies in Chinese Christianity)
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Deuteronomy: Law and Covenant
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Jeremiah 21-36: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Bible)
Master Painter: Warner E. Sallman
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Deuteronomy: A Commentary