The Cosmic Dynamo (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
Infrared Solar Physics (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
The Magellanic Clouds (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
The Milky Way Galaxy (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
Dynamics of Stellar System
Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
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Astronomical and Astrophysical Objectives of Sub-Milliarcsecond Optical Astrometry (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
$109.99 - $169.99
Infrared Astronomy
Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors (IAU S229) (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia)
Advances in Plasma Astrophysics (Iau S274)
CO: Twenty-Five Years of Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy
$169.99 - $249.99
Pulsation, Rotation and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars
Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
Wolf-Rayet Stars: Binaries, Colliding Winds, Evolution (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
$60.35 - $99.00
Fundamental Stellar Properties: The Interaction between Observation and Theory (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
Planetary Nebulae: Proceedings of the 155th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Innsbruck, Austria, July 13-17, 1992
$60.35 - $99.00
Observatories in Earth Orbit and Beyond (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
The Sun as a Variable Star: Solar and Stellar Irradiance Variations (I a U Colloquium//Proceedings)
Galactic Bulges (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
Developments in Astrometry and Their Impact on Astrophysics and Geodynamics (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
Evolution of Stars: The Photospheric Abundance Connection (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
Origin and Evolution of Interplanetary Dust: Colloquium Proceedings (Astrophysics & Space Science Library)
The Interstellar Disk-Halo Connection in Galaxies
Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena: Proceedings of the 150th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held at Campos Do Jordao, Sao Paulo, August ... (International Astronomical Union Symposi
Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
Unstable Current Systems and Plasma Instabilities in Astrophysics (International Astronomical Union Symposia)
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Recent Developments
Chromospheric Fine Structure
Physics of Dense Matter