- Environmental History: A Concise Introduction (New Perspectives on the Past)
- Interpreting Nature: Cultural Constructions of the Environment
- Changing the Face of the Earth: Culture, Environment, History
- People, Land and Time: An Historical Introduction to the Relations between Landscape, Culture and Environment
- Rural recreation in the industrial world
- James L. Medoff
- Capcom
- Bob Meehan
- Zoya Phan
- Rosemary Disney
- Katherine Bradley
- Carl B. Klockars
- Christine Pearson
- Peter Larson
- George Caspar Homans
- Ritch Duncan
- Zak, Diane L. Zak, Diane L.
- Kristin Donnan
- L.A. Bryan
- Semir Zeki
- Roslyn Banish
- Victor Sen Yung
- Jack Tworkov
- David K. Farkas
- Christine Porath