Alimentazione e fisiologia della riproduzione delle pecore
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Feeding & physiology of ovine reproduction
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Alimentação e fisiologia da reprodução ovina
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Fütterung und Physiologie der Schafsreproduktion
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Etude technico-économique, possibilités d'amélioration de la conduite et performances
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Formation de l'ingénieur agronome & agriculture durable,: défis & enjeux
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Alimentation & physiologie de la reproduction ovine
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La brebis laitière en Tunisie
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Formazione in ingegneria agraria e agricoltura sostenibile (Italian Edition)
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Agricultural engineering training & sustainable agriculture: Challenges and issues
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Formação em engenharia agrícola e agricultura sustentável (Portuguese Edition)
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Ausbildung zum Agraringenieur & nachhaltige Landwirtschaft (German Edition)
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