- SWAN: The swan is a large aquatic bird closely related to geese and ducks. The swan is known for its fierce temperament and incredibly strong wings ... to any animal the swan feels threatened by.
- SWISS SHEPHERD: The White Swiss Shepherd Dog became the 219th pedigree dog breed to be recognized by the Kennel Club in October 2017. The breed is ... Group on the Imported Breed Register.
- SLEEPY CAT: Tigers occupy a variety of habitats from tropical forests, evergreen forests, woodlands and mangrove swamps to grasslands, savannah and ... that rely on the camouflage of their stripes.
- SOAP BUBBLES: A soap bubble is an extremely thin film of soapy water enclosing air that forms a hollow sphere with an iridescent surface. Soap bubbles ... their own or on contact with another object.
- SWIMMING TIGER: As the largest species in the big cat family, tigers have more surface area that heats up, which is probably why they swim for ... may chase prey into the water to trap it.