Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America
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Niles National Registe, Volume 50
Niles National Registe, Volume 28
Niles National Registe, Volume 32
Niles National Register
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Niles' National Register, Containing Political, Historical, Geographical, Scientifical, Statistical, Economical, and Biographical Documents, Essays ... and a Record of the Events of the Times; 37
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Niles National Registe, Volume 1
Centennial Offering: Republication of the Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America ...
The Weekly Register. Volume 76 of 76
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Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America; with some of the speeches, orations and proceedings, also sketches and remarks on men and things, ... revolutionary period in the United States.
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Niles national registe, Volume 46
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Niles national registe, Volume 30
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Niles' national register, containing political, historical, geographical, scientifical, statistical, economical, and biographical documents, essays ... and a record of the events of the times
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Niles' National Register, Volume 44
The Weekly Register. Volume 46 of 76
The Weekly Register. Volume 4 of 76
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