In the Seven Mountains: Legends Collected In Central Pennsylvania
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Tales of the Bald Eagle Mountains In Central Pennsylvania
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Susquehanna Legends; Collected in Central Pennsylvania
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Black Forest Souvenirs
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Early Potters Of Clinton County: With Special Reference To The Work Done In Sugar Valley By The Pioneer Pennsylvania Potters
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Stories of Great Pennsylvania Hunters
Wild Life in Western Pennsylvania
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Pennsylvania Mountain Stories
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Pennsylvania Deer and Their Horns
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Extinct Pennsylvania Animals: Pt. 1
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Black Forest Souvenirs: Collected in Northern Pennsylvania
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A Pennsylvania bison hunt; being the results of an investigation into the causes and period of the destruction of these noble beasts in the Keystone ... a sketch of the career of Daniel Ott,
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A Week in the Blue Mountains: The Record of a Happy Outing
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Eldorado found, the central Pennsylvania highlands; a tourist's survey
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Extinct Pennsylvania Animals: The Panther And The Wolf.-pt. Ii. Black Moose, Elk, Bison, Beaver, Pine Marten, Fisher, Glutton, Canada Lynx
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The Black Bear of Pennsylvania: Ursus Americanus
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Pennsylvania Lion or Panther & Felis Catus in Pennsylvania?
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Extinct Pennsylvania Animals
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