- Differential Geometry
- The Songs of Psalms: Text, Translation and Interpretation
- Tractates Sanhedrin, Makkot, and Horaiot (Studia Judaica)
- The Jerusalem Talmud: Third Order: Nasim: Tractates Gittin and Nazir (Studia Judaica: Forschungen Zur Wissenschaft Des Judentums)
- Seder Olam: The Rabbinic View of Biblical Chronology
- Margaret Kleinfeld
- Jack L. Goldberg
- Erwin Kleinfeld
- E.W. Lee
- Evar D. Nering
- Vladimir Rojansky
- Edgar Hund
- Norman Balabanian
- C. Leon Harris
- Francis Watanabe Dauer
- James T. Coleman
- Geoffrey M. Stephenson
- Peter Lancaster
- Theodore Bickart
- Morton Hamermesh
- C.W. Groetsch
- Tony Barnard
- John R. Reitz
- Robert W. Christy
- Frederick J. Milford