- From Grief to Glory: Rediscovering Life After Loss
- An Angel's Touch: The Presence and Purpose of Supernatural Messengers in Your Life
- The Presence of Angels in Your Life
- Distractions from Destiny: 8 Distractions You Must Overcome to Achieve Your Life's Purpose
- Overcoming Fear - 40 Day Prayer JOurnal
- Cheryl Salem
- Kitty Tsui
- James E. Gibson
- Jean Hodges
- David Worsick
- Maxine Levaren
- Jeffery Paine
- William A. Gutsch Jr.
- Wanda Studdard
- S. Torvend
- Joyce Scott
- Lynn Dralle Wilson
- Kelley H. Varner
- Bill Scott
- Tamai Kobayashi
- John Fenn
- Catherine Dee Weston
- Richard E. Churchill
- Judy Doyle
- Daybreak Spirituality Books Editors