- Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage
- The Soft-Spoken Parent (More Than 50 Strategies to Turn Away Wrath)
- The Marriage Garden: Cultivating Your Relationship So It Grows and Flourishes
- Family Life Education: Principles and Practices for Effective Outreach
- Soft-Spoken Parenting: 50 Ways to Not Lose Your Temper With Your Kids
- Carlton D. Pearson
- Jeff Archer
- Jennifer Day
- Tom Gegax
- Geographers' A-Z Map Company
- Patricia Remele
- Giulio Tononi
- Elizabeth B. Goldsmith
- Jane Marla Robbins
- Stephen F. Duncan
- Jean M. Malone
- United Coaching Associates Inc.
- Maureen E. Kenny
- Gunnar Myrdal
- David J. Bredehoft
- Lane H. Powell
- Essene Valentin
- Dashama Konah Gordon
- Margaret E. Arcus
- Debbie Pincus-Ward