- Lex Mercatoria: Or, the Merchant's Companion. Containing all the Laws and Statutes Relating to Merchandize. ... The Second Edition Corrected, With the Addition of Three Entire new Chapters. And Also a
- A New Law Dictionary Containing The Interpretation And Definition Of Words And Terms Used In The Law, And Also The Whole Law Etc
- The new law-dictionary: containing the definition of words and terms, and also the whole law, and practice thereof, Carefully abridged: for the use and benefit of students, attornies and solicitors
- Lex Mercatoria: Or, The Merchants' Companion, Containing All The Laws And Statutes Relating To Merchandize
- The Accomplish'd Conveyancer: Containing the Nature and Kinds of Deeds and Instruments Used in Conveyancing; And an Abridgment of the Law Relating to All Sorts of Conveyances of Estates