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Leopardi: Selected Poems: Selected Poems
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Essays, Dialogues, And Thoughts Of Count Giacomo Leopardi, Volume 20
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Poems and Prose
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Operette morali
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Batrachomyomachia: Or, the Battle of the Frogs and Mice. Translated from Homer. by a Land-Waiter in the Port of Poole. with Some Additional Poems by the Same Hand.
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The Canti: With a Selection of His Prose
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Gedanken Aus Dem Zibaldone
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Memorie Del Primo Amore
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Selected Prose and Poetry
Opere Di Giacomo Leopardi, Volumes 1-2
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Opuscules Et Pens�es
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The Poems of Leopardi
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Essai sur les Idées Philosophiques et L'inspiration Poétique de Giacomo Leopardi Suivi D'oeuvres iné
Ciacomo Leopardi. Deutsch, Erster Theil
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Twelve Dialogues
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Il Copernico: Dialogo. Fatto Ripubblicare Dal Comitato Per La Festa Commemorativa Del Sommo Astronomo Celebrata A' XIX Febbraio Mdccclxxiii (Quarto Centenario Della Sua Nascita) Nella R. Universit Di
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Di Giacomo Leopardi, Volume Quatro
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Essays and Dialogues
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Discorso di un italiano intorno alla poesia romantica
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Poa(c)Sies Et Oeuvres Morales de Leopardi. Pra(c)CA(C)Da(c)E D'Un Essai Sur Leopardi. T3 (A0/00d.1880)
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Poa(c)Sies Et Oeuvres Morales de Leopardi. Pra(c)CA(C)Da(c)E D'Un Essai Sur Leopardi. T2 (A0/00d.1880)
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Poa(c)Sies Et Oeuvres Morales de Leopardi. Pra(c)CA(C)Da(c)E D'Un Essai Sur Leopardi. T1 (A0/00d.1880)
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Canti: Selected Poems
Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degl'Italiani
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Appressamento Della Morte: Cantica Inedita
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