- The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping
- Exercises in Helping Skills: A Training Manual to Accompany the Skilled Helper (Counseling Series)
- You and Me: The Skills of Communicating and Relating to Others
- Working the Shadow Side: A Guide to Positive Behind-the-Scenes Management (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series)
- Student Workbook Exercises for Egan's The Skilled Helper
- Lee Ann Hoff
- Suzen J. Ziegahn
- Ronald E. Fry
- David J. Wallin
- Richard Abel Musgrave
- Jim A
- Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel
- Peter Abramoff
- Stephen Worchel
- NSCA Certification Commission
- Mary Jo Hatch
- Walter Kempler
- George R. Goethals
- W. Brendan Reddy
- Sobonfu E. Somé
- Stephen Goldbart
- Sandra A. McIntire
- Gregory Strong
- Robert G. Thomson
- Richard Bauer