- Reports of Sir George Croke, Knight: Formerly One of the Justices of the Courts of Kings-Bench, and Common-Pleas, of Such Select Cases as Were Adjudged in the Said Courts [1582-1641], Volume 1
- Reports
- Reports of Sir George Croke, Knight: Formerly One of the Justices of the Courts of King's-Bench, and Common-Pleas, of Such Select Cases As Were ... the Reign of ... : [1582-1641], Volume 2
- Reports of Sir George Croke, Knight: Formerly One of the Justices of the Courts of King's-Bench, and Common-Pleas, of Such Select Cases As Were Adjudged in the Said Courts During the Reign of ...: [15
- Reports of Sir George Croke, Knight: Formerly One of the Justices of the Courts of Kings-Bench, and Common-Pleas, of Such Select Cases As Were Adjudged in the Said Courts [1582-1641], Volume 1