- Introduction to Teaching: Making a Difference in Student Learning
- Implementing Change: Patterns, Principles, and Potholes
- Foundations of American Education: Becoming Effective Teachers in Challenging Times
- Change in Schools Facilitating the Process (Suny Series in Educational Leadership)
- Foundations of American Education: Readings
- Shirley M. Hord
- Peter C. Scales
- Nancy Leffert
- Mary Taylor Young
- Daniel Kohanski
- Arthur B. Van Gundy
- Susan M. Resnick
- D. John McIntyre
- Piers Mackesy
- Tracey Patterson
- Barbara Kurland
- National C
- Monika Hanneman
- David Muller
- Jane Kathryn Vella
- Patricia Hulse
- Globetrotter Staff
- Linda Gong
- Jacqueline Jordan Irvine
- Franco Agostini