Beginner's Irish (Hippocrene Beginner's)
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Treasury of Irish Love: Poems, Proverbs & Triads
Irish Weather Wisdom: Signs of Rain
The Partisan and Other Stories
Fluttering their way into my head: An exploration of Haiku for young people
The Naked Octopus: Erotic Haiku in English with Japanese Translations
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Stillness of Crows
Glengower : Poems for No One in Irish and English
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Haiku Enlightenment: New Expanded Edition
Behind the Yew Hedge
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Angelic Flights
Mullah Nasrudin Is Alive and Well
Éist leis an gCruinne: Aistí
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Orpheus in the Underpass
Judgement Day: Haiku, Senryu, & Other Aimless Utterances
My Head is Missing: A Kerry Detective Story
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Antlered Stag of Dawn
I Met a Man from Artikelly: Verse for the Young and Young at Heart
Mou Her Name
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Sneachta: transcreations in Irish & English of Issa's snow haiku
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Honey Served On Thorns
Headlines: Bilingual poems inspired by fragments of headlines featured in The New York Times (Irish Edition)
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Domhan Úrnua: Díolaim idirnáisiúnta de scríbhinní agus ráitis ó luath-ainrialaithe nótáilte (Irish Edition)
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Chugat an Splúca (Irish Edition)
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