- The Principles of Scientific Management
- Shop Management
- Concrete Costs: Tables and Recommendations for Estimating the Time and Cost of Labor Operations in Concrete Construction and for Introducing Economical Methods of Management
- Scientific Management, Comprising Shop Management: The Principles of Scientific Management Testimony Before the Special House Committee
- A Treatise on Concrete, Plain and Reinforce, Materials, Construction, and Design of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
- James M. Kilts
- John J. Hartman
- Abraham Zaleznik
- Graham S. Gibbard
- Bob Sellers
- Cath Carroll
- Robert A. Brawer
- Deng Xiaoping
- Robert Zemsky
- Richard R. John Jr.
- Bob Brawer
- Judith Grunert
- David G. Johnson
- Laura Dolce
- Edwin Haviland Miller
- Lydia G. Segal
- Chuck Zerby
- David Silverman
- Susan Elizabeth Farrell
- Francis Reddy