Cigar Lounge Wisdom: Ruminations Inspired in a Cigar Bar
Adventures in Beach Head: Book 1
Adventures in Beach Head: Book 2
Ocean Rejection: Adventures in Beach Head, Book 5
The Street Circus: Adventures in Beach Head, Book 6
Adventures in Beach Head: Book 3: The Vigilante
Justice Delivered: Adventures in Beach Head, Book 4
Philosophy as Taught by Life’s Experience
Another Fork In The Road: Lessons in Life, Motivation, Leadership & Mentoring
Musings of a Modern Day American Philosopher
Endless Forks in the Road: Motivational Quotes & Commentary
American Thinking
Out of Stock
Surviving the Zombies: Things the CDC Didn't Know
Personal Disaster Planning Handbook
Above Dirt : Motivational Thoughts Supporting a Positive Outlook
A Fork In The Road: Navigating Your Path of Life with Motivation