Anti-Story: An Anthology of Experimental Fiction
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Literatura Hispanoamericana, Antologia E Introduccion Historica
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Grandes minicuentos fantásticos
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El Cuento Fantastico Hispanoamericano En El Siglo Xix (La Red De Jonas)
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Spanish-American Literature: A History (Waynebooks Ser: Vol. 29)
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La crítica literaria: sus métodos y problemas
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FUGA [Macmillan Modern Spanish American Literature Series]
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Antiborges (Textos libres)
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Cuentos selectos
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E. Anderson Imbert: Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana. 2: Época contemporánea
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Historia de la Literatura Hispano-Americana
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Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana II: Epoca contemporanea
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Teoría y técnica del cuento
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Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana II
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Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana I
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