- The American Coast Pilot: Containing Directions for the Principal Harbors, Capes, and Headlands, on the Coasts of North and South America...with the Prevailing Winds, Setting of the Currents, &C., and
- The Merchant And Seaman's Expeditious Measurer: Containing A Set Of Tables, Which Show, At One View, The Solid Contents Of All Kinds Of Packages And Casks
- Le Guide Du Navigateur Dans L'Oca(c)an Atlantique, Ou Tableau Des Bancs, Ra(c)Scifs, Brisans, Gouffres
- The American Coast Pilot: Containing Directions For The Principal Harbors, Capes, And Headlands, On The Coast Of North And Part Of South America...
- The American Coast Pilot: Containing the Courses and Distances Between the Principal Harbours, Capes, and Headlands, On the Coast of North and South ... Prevailing Winds, Setting of the Currents,