The Book of Life after Life
The Month of Shevat: Elevated Eating - Tu B'Shevat
The Power of Choice: A Practical Guide to Conscious Living
Awakenings: Drawing Life from the Weekly Torah Reading
The Month of Teves: Refining Relationships, Elevating the Body
Reincarnation and Judaism: The Journey of the Soul
The Haggadah: Pathways to Pesach and the Haggadah
The Month of Elul : Days of Introspection and Transformation
Eight Lights: 8 Meditations for Chanukah
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The Mystery of Kaddish
Visualization and Imagery: Harnessing the Power of the Mind's Eye
Thirty-Two Gates: Into the Heart of Kabbalah and Chassidus
The Four Species: The Symbolism of the Lulav & Esrog and Intentions for the Lulav Movements
A Lightness of Being
Toward the Infinite: The Way of Kabbalistic Meditation
The Month of Tishrei: A Time of Rebirth and Upward Movement
Illuminated Sound: The Baal Shem Tov on Prayer
Process and Presence
The Spiral of Time: Unraveling the Yearly Cycle
Sound and Vibration: Tuning into the Echoes of Creation
Breathing and Quieting the Mind
A Bond for Eternity: Understanding the Bris Milah
The Month of Kislev: Rekindling Hope, Dreams and Trust
The Garden of Paradox: The Essence of Non Dual Kabbalah in Three Conversations
The Month of Nisan: miraculous awakenings from above
Thirty-Two Gates of Wisdom: Awakening Through Kabbalah
The Month of Iyyar: Evolving the Self | Lag B'Omer
The Months of Tamuz and Av: Embracing Brokenness - 17th of Tamuz, Tisha b'Av, & Tu b'Av
A Call to Majesty: The Mysteries of Shofar and Rosh Hashanah
The Month of Sivan: The Art of Receiving: Shavuos and Matan Torah