Douglas Bloch
#10 in Inner Child
- Astrology for Yourself: How to Understand And Interpret Your Own Birth Chart
- Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-Emerging Feminine
- Words That Heal : Affirmations and Meditations for Daily Living
- Positive Self-Talk for Children: Teaching Self-Esteem Through Affirmations: A Guide For Parents, Teachers, And Counselors
- Healing from Depression: 12 Weeks to a Better Mood : A Body, Mind, and Spirit Recovery Program
- Demetra George
- Billy Hughey
- Melanie Reinhart
- Ralph S. Marston Jr.
- Rick Hicks
- Dewey Sadka
- Zipporah Pottenger Dobyns
- Elizabeth Heller
- Zipporah Dobyns
- Laurie Wagner
- Ed Anderson
- B.C. Aronson
- V. John Alexandrov
- Phyllis Kosminsky
- Joanne Wickenburg
- Rachel Herz
- Nia Vardalos
- Elizabeth M. Briel
- A.G. Mohan
- John Loengard