Adh?sion au mode de vie m?diterran?en chez les ob?ses
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Self-efficacy in the management of type 2 diabetes
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Selbstwirksamkeit bei der Behandlung von Typ-2-Diabetes
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Auto-efic?cia na gest?o da diabetes tipo 2
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Autoefficacia nella gestione del diabete di tipo 2
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Interesse do Myo-inositol na s�ndrome do ov�rio polic�stico
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Einhaltung des mediterranen Lebensstils bei Fettleibigen
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Aderenza allo stile di vita mediterraneo negli obesi
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Aderência ao estilo de vida mediterrânico nos obesos
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Adherence to the Mediterranean lifestyle in the obese
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Nutzen von Myo-Inositol beim polyzystischen Ovarialsyndrom
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Interest of Myo-inositol in polycystic ovary syndrome
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Interesse del Myo-inositolo nella sindrome dell'ovaio policistico
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