- The King's Chessboard (Picture Puffins)
- The Currency Cold War: Cash and Cryptography, Hash Rates and Hegemony
- Provocations: Philosophy for Secondary School
- Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin: From Money That We Understand to Money That Understands Us (Perspectives)
- Language, Literature and Critical Practice: Ways of Analysing Text
- Andy Blackman Hurwitz
- William Serrin
- Barbara Weiden Boyd
- James L. Medoff
- Sandra Niehaus
- William H. Durham
- Bob Meehan
- Zoya Phan
- James Corcoran
- Katherine Bradley
- Carl B. Klockars
- Christine Pearson
- Ritch Duncan
- Shelagh Wallace
- Semir Zeki
- Roslyn Banish
- Terence J. O'Grady
- Jack Tworkov
- David K. Farkas
- Christine Porath