- Streetsmart Guide to Timing the Stock Market: When to Buy, Sell and Sell Short
- The Golden Age of Streamlining
- Timing Techniques for Commodity Futures Markets: Effective Strategy and Tactics for Short-Term and Long-Term Traders
- Capturing Full-Trend Profits in the Commodity Futures Markets: Maximizing Reward and Minimizing Risk with the Wellspring System
- God's Adamantine Fate
- Jennifer Latchford
- Jerry Tweddell
- National Association of Securities Dealers
- Thomas A. Bierovic
- Eric Shkolnik
- Robert Brokamp
- Lee Allen
- Roger I. Abrams
- Terry Wogan
- Steve Gatto
- Barney Hartman
- Bill Hageman
- Dave Jamieson
- Victor A. Canto
- Michael Sivy
- Mark Dempsey
- Joel Zoss
- Joe B. Hicks
- Michael J. McDonald
- Don Jensen