- The Minister as Family Counselor
- The Minister as Marriage Counselor
- Adolescent religion;: A developmental study of the religion of youth
- A Steam Voyage to Constantinople, by the Rhine and the Danube, in 1840-1841, and to Portugal, Spain, andc., in 1839. ... To which is annexed, the ... with Prince Metternich, etc. VOL. II
- A Steam Voyage to Constantinople, by the Rhine and the Danube, in 1840-1841, and to Portugal, Spain, and in 1839. To which is annexed, the author's correspondence with Prince Metternich. Vol. I.
- Sheila B. Blume
- R. Gordon Bell
- Josette Mondanaro
- Jennifer Elison
- Dennis E. Williams
- Paul E. Irion
- Donald Smarto
- Stanley E. Gitlow
- Nancy K. Mello
- Edgar Jackson
- Gary Demarest
- William J. J. Curran
- Jack H. Mendelson
- Sherry S. Kimbrough
- Barry K. Estadt
- Patt Manna
- Leon Wurmser
- William E. Hulme
- Peter Mosgofian
- Daniel O. Aleshire