- Church Conflict: The Hidden System Behind the Fights (Effective Church)
- They Both Reached for the Gun: Beulah Annan, Maurine Watkins, and the Making of Chicago
- Appealing to Scripture in Moral Debate: Five Hermeneutical Rules
- Cross-Cultural Paul: Journeys To Others, Journeys To Ourselves
- Elusive Israel: The Puzzle of Election in Romans
- Loren B. Mead
- David T. Olson
- Carol Doran
- Earl Creps
- Arthur H. Becker
- David R. Mcmahill
- Candy Lightner
- Jim Belcher
- Katherine F. DeVries
- Fe Liza Bencosme
- John C. Cusick
- Liza Benscosme
- Leslea Stringer
- Glenn C. Daman
- Karen F. Williams
- Albert J. Guerard
- Brett Hoover
- R. Daniel Reeves
- Will Coviello
- Samuel L. Canine