- Stem Lesson Essentials, Grades 3-8: Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy: 45 Formative Assessment Probes (Uncovering Student Ideas in Science)
- Oobleck: What Do Scientists Do?
- Experimenting With Model Rockets
- Color Analyzers: Investigating Light And Color
- Kimi Hosoume
- Jaine Kopp
- Judy Harris Helm
- Andrew Lloyd Webber
- Josh Schneider
- Reduced Shakespeare Company
- Richard Rogers
- Tim Rice
- Craig Strang
- Carolyn Willard
- Karen Menke Paciorek
- Walter Ehret
- Celia Cuomo
- Lissanna M. Follari
- Jean C. Echols
- Quincy Carroll
- Diane Thiessen
- Paul R. Trafton
- Alan Gould
- Laura Lowell