- Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement
- The Story of Pocahontas
- This is Burning Man: The Rise of a New American Underground
- Dirty Pictures: How Nerds, Feminists, Bikers, and Potheads Revolutionized Comix
- Gun Control on Trial: Inside the Supreme Court Battle Over the Second Amendment
- Madelaine Mautford
- Don Busath
- Wayne Dementi
- Walter Block
- Dong Huai
- Graziella Leyla Ciaga
- Arnold Mindell
- Dan Panosian
- Lynn Davis
- Robert J. Moore Jr.
- Reilly Brown
- Brooks Smith
- A. Aubrey Bodine
- David Souden
- Lars Brown
- Doug Braithwaite
- Jonathan Beagle
- Michael I. Silberkleit
- Elisabeth Dementi
- New York Observer