Drugs and Behavior: Cause, Effects and Treatment
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Drugs, Daydreaming, and Personality: A Study of College Youth
Alcoholism Etiology and Treatment: Issues for Theory and Practice
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Perspectives on Drug Use in the United States
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Moderation As a Goal or Outcome of Treatment for Alcohol Problems
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Drug-Taking Behavior Among School-Aged Youth: The Alaska Experience and Comparisons With Lower-48 States
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Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment in the United States: Exemplary Models from a National Evaluation Study
$6.09 - $31.47
Conducting Drug Abuse Research With Minority Populations: Advances and Issues
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Homelessness and Drinking: A Study of a Street Population
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Racial and Ethnic Relations; Selected Readings
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Perspectives on Person-Environment Interaction and Drug-Taking Behavior
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Conducting Drug Abuse Research with Minority Populations: Advances and Issues
Zhenskaya seksual'naya flyuidnost' v postmodernistskoy kul'ture: Analiz fenomena seksual'noy flyuidnosti
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