- An oration, pronounced at the Baptist Meeting-House in Wrentham, 1800. At the request of the Society. In memory of Gen. George Washington first ... armies of the United States of America, 1799
- An oration, pronounced, at the request of the "Charlestown light infantry", before the Republican citizens of Charlestown, on the anniversary of American independence, July 4, 1805
- Remembrancer - Geography, on a New and Improved Plan, Topographically Demonstrated
- An Oration, Pronounced Before The Associated Citizens Of Lechmere Point, Cambridge, Mass. On The Memorable Fiftieth Anniversary Of American Independence, July 4, 1826. ...
- Remembrancer: Geography on a New and Improved Plan, Topographically Demonstrated, with Maps, Charts, and Globes, by Delineation, Reference, and Instruction; Embracing All the Elementary Principles, in