- Making Simple Musical Instruments: A Melodious Collection of Strings, Winds, Drums & More
- Musical Instrument Design: Practical Information for Instrument Making
- Getting a Bigger Sound: Pickups and Microphones for Your Musical Instrument
- Orbitones, Spoonharps & Bellowphones
- Gravikords, Whirlies & Pyrophones: Experimental Musical Instruments
- Leonard Peikoff
- Thomas Cahill
- Marcus J. Borg
- Brenda Ueland
- Anne Ortlund
- Justo L. González
- Arthur Herman
- Rebecca Manley Pippert
- Josip Novakovich
- Matthew L. Helm
- Melvin Helitzer
- Richard H. Graves
- Moses Ludel
- Robert Bain
- David J. Breeze
- Bill Higginbotham
- Hoyt L. Hickman
- Michael Joseph Brown
- Robert Arnold Raines
- April Helm