- Linus Pauling in His Own Words: Selections From his Writings, Speeches and Interviews
- California's Spanish Place Names: What They Mean and the History They Reveal
- Vineyards in the Sky: The Life of Legendary Vintner Martin Ray
- California's Spanish Place-Names: What They Mean and How They Got There: What They Mean and How They Got There
- California's Spanish Place-Names: What They Mean and How They Got There
- Thane Josef Messinger
- Irwin Stone
- Virginia Livingston Wheeler
- Gerald F. Uelmen
- Hindi Greenberg
- Meredith Puryear
- Peter M. Thall
- John Pascucci
- Charles T. McGee
- Roland Gary Jones
- Ron Kennedy
- Grace Smith
- Lillie Schockney
- Marilyn R. Moody
- Rudy Marinacci
- Bruno Wiskel
- Dean Dragich
- Virginia Livingston-Wheeler
- Richard A. Jaffe
- Michael Gearin-Tosh