The Illustrated Grand Grimoire
The Illustrated Grimorium Verum
Spells of the Grimoires
The Lore of Asmoday
The Illustrated Grimoire of Pope Honorius
The Sorcery Party: A Training Manual for the Nagual
The Book of Tobit
The Grimoire of Valentius the Werewolf
The True Grimoire of Demonolatry: The Grimorium Verum for Demonolaters
Liber Spiritum: The Book of Spirits
The Werewolf in theory and practice
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The Infernal Oracle of the Grand Grimoire: meditation, divination, and ritual
Shemhamephorash: A study of the 79 Infernal Names found in the Satanic Bible.
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The Vampire in Theory and Practice
$9.29 - $14.75
The Legend of Astaroth
Sibylia: Fairy Magic in the 1584 Discoverie of Witchcraft
Fairy Magic in the Grimoires
Valentius: A Werewolf Story
The Grimoire of Arundell: Conjuring Angels, Demons, Fairies, and the Dead.
The Search for Unlimited Energy