Annemarie Schimmel
#34 in Islam
#34 in Islam
The World Treasury of Modern Religious Thought
The Mystery of Numbers
$7.29 - $21.70
I Am Wind, You Are Fire: The Life and Work of Rumi
$7.99 - $21.79
Mystical Dimensions of Islam
$14.69 - $52.25
Islam: An Introduction
$5.39 - $9.99
My Soul Is a Woman: The Feminine in Islam
$6.69 - $54.63
Deciphering the Signs of God: A Phenomenological Approach to Islam
Im Reich der Großmoguln: Geschichte, Kunst, Kultur
$38.69 - $52.33
Und Muhammad ist Sein Prophet: Die Verehrung des Propheten in der islamischen Frömmigkeit
$44.19 - $63.99
As Through a Veil: Mystical Poetry in Islam
$49.02 - $131.65
The Triumphal Sun: A Study of the Works of Jalāloddin Rumi (Persian Studies Series ; 8)
$11.19 - $39.95
Anvari's Divan: A Pocket Book for Akbar: A Dīvān of Auḥaduddin Anvari, copied for the Mughal emperor Jalaluddin Akbar...
Islamic Names (Islamic Surveys Series, Vol 12)
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Ben Rüzgarım Sen Ateş: Mevlânâ Celâleddin Rûmî Hayatı Ve Eserleri
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Introduction au monde du soufisme
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The Emperor's Album: Images of Mughal India
Gabriel's Wing: A Study into the Religious Ideas of Sir Muhammad Iqbal
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Metallographie Der Technischen Kupferlegierungen
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Weisheit des Islam
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Songs Without Names, Volumes I-VI: Poems by Frithjof Schuon (The Library of Perennial Philosophy)
Das Thema des Weges und der Reise im Islam
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الإسلام وعجائب المخلوقات: مملكة الحيوان
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Stern und Blume: Die Bilderwelt der persischen Poesie
Pain and Grace: A Study of Two Mystical Writers of Eighteenth-Century Muslim India (Numen Studies in the History of Religions)
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Nightingales Under the Snow: Poems
Berge, Wüsten, Heiligtümer. Meine Reisen in Pakistan und Indien
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Spiegelungen des Islam
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Handbuch der Orientalistik., Zweite Abteilung,, Indien ;, 4 Bd. , 3 Abschnitt. islam in the Indian Subcontinent
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Make A Shield From Wisdom
Muhammad Iqbal: Profetische Dichter En Filosoof
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