- The Nut Culturist: A Treatise on the Propagation, Planting and Cultivation of Nut-Bearing Trees and Shrubs, Adapted to the Climate of the
- The Propagation of Plants; Giving the Principles Which Govern the Development and Growth of Plants, Their Botanical Affinities and Peculiar Properties; Also, Descriptions of the Process by Which Varie
- The forest tree culturist: a treatise on the cultivation of American forest trees, with notes on th
- The Small Fruit Culturist
- Kultur Der Fruchtsträucher, Als Der Erdbeeren, Himbeeren, Brombeeren, Johannisbeeren, Stachelbeeren, Kornelkirschen, Preißelbeeren, Heidelbeeren, ... Zur Verpackung U. Versendung D....