The Colors of Nature: Culture, Identity, and the Natural World (World As Home, The)
A Woven World: On Fashion, Fishermen, and the Sardine Dress
$5.69 - $19.23
Zoologies: On Animals and the Human Spirit
$5.09 - $15.12
Writing the Sacred into the Real (Credo)
$5.89 - $41.09
Science and Other Poems
$5.09 - $16.35
Temporary Homelands
$9.19 - $10.59
The Edges of the Civilized World: A Journey in Nature and Culture
$6.39 - $8.99
Stairway to Heaven
$5.79 - $15.13
Genius Loci
$7.39 - $8.49
The Monarchs: A Poem Sequence
Masumi Hayashi: Collaged Photographs, 1976-2006
Out of Stock
Blue Flax & Yellow Mustard Flower
The Gift of Animals: Poems of Love, Loss, and Connection
Releases 4/1/2025